Christmas is almost here! So exciting! We've been drilling Carson for the last four weeks or so on what do you want for Christmas? What do you want Santa to bring you? And his first initial response was " A BIG SPIDERMAN! ." Then daddy came home one day with a silver flash light to use for the chimney and Carson decided he wanted Santa to bring him a red flashlight. So consistently ever single time you talk to him or ask him those were the two items on his list. Now i think he is starting to get the idea a little more as its rapidly approaching so he has continuously added more and more to this so called "list" of what Santa IS in fact bringing him. Or he gets mixed up and points to almost every single toy at the store and says " I buy this for Santa?" which really means "Santa buy this for me." LOL
So we asked him yesterday to list off what he wants and here' s what he said:
A big big truck
Red Flash Light
Big Iron Man
Dinosaur Puzzle
wait for it A BIRD FEEDER lol he stopped and we looked at him and said " A bird feeder?" He got all shy and embarrassed and kinda shrugged on and went right back into his list ...
A Dinosaur
A Barn
A Castle
and A HOUSE :)
So unfortunately Santa wont be delivering all of those items but hopefully what he does bring will please him. I will let you know! Merry Almost Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. My aunt bought him a bird feeder and she had no idea about this!! How awesome is that!!! Santa he works in crazy ways it's like magic ;)